Thursday, March 10, 2005

"Random, Needless Anger" feat. "INSANE JAMES"

This big baby is a rage of emotions. You will enjoy watching this (not for the faint of heart).

This is an EXTENDED CLIP from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 1 : "Preemptive Hype" ).

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

"Preemptive Hype: opening teaser"

This is a clip of part of the opening sequence from "INSUBORDINATE # 1 : PREEMPTIVE HYPE." Enjoy!

This clip is from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 1 : "Preemptive Hype" ).

Monday, March 07, 2005

"The Shimmy" feat. Alex "Peach Fuzz" Lizarbe

Peach Fuzz (A/K/A Alex Lizarbe of practices his best move, in preparation to woo the ladies.
Meanwhile, Mike, Jay, and Wayne freeze their balls off, for the fun of it!

This clip is from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 2 : "The Hardcore Party" ).

Sunday, March 06, 2005

In classic vlog documentary style (car cam)

One camera and a talking head yakkin' about the events in their life.
A/K/A what Jay and I did Friday, after a meeting for the INSUBORDINATE TV show with the rest of the crew.

This is currently a video blog exclusive and not featured on INSUBORDINATE
(This post is currently a MIKE-O VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: "Behind-The-Scenes" ).

"Hardcore Party Aftermath" feat. Krazy J.

Jay survives the aftermath of it all...On the floor.

This clip is from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 2 : "The Hardcore Party" ).

"Hardcore Concerto" feat. Wayne Langford-Rogers / Jay King

Wayne plays his "Fifth Concerto" while Jay reveals his softer side.

This clip is from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 2 : "The Hardcore Party" ).

Saturday, March 05, 2005

"Brief Happiness" feat. Krazy Jay King

Krazy J. experiences a brief happiness.

This clip is from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 1 : "Preemptive Hype" ).

FIRST POST : "A Cheesy Video" feat. Lawrence Hollie


This clip is from my upcoming show INSUBORDINATE
(Episode 1 : "Preemptive Hype" ).

Mike Phelan O'Toole's Video Blog Archive